Materials and processes
The doctoral college "Materials and Processes" is an institution of the Clausthal University of Technology for all interested natural scientists and engineers and performs interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary tasks in research and teaching, especially for the promotion of young scientists at the Clausthal University of Technology. The aim is to lead doctoral students to a doctorate within 3 years and to provide them with interdisciplinary training as young scientists. "Materials and processes" in this college refer to all topics of materials science, materials engineering, process and environmental engineering as well as mechanical engineering. Material treatment processes of waste in the sense of the Circular Economy Act (KrWG) are included. The common goal of the research training group is the specification and further development of material properties and processes with the help of experimental and theoretical investigations, for example, on reaction processes, process parameters, material treatment and test methods. In contrast to DFG Research Training Groups or Graduate Schools, there is no common cross-institutional research objective. Instead, the principle of individual doctorates applies without restriction. The resulting heterogeneity of the topics is intentional and contributes directly to the interdisciplinary qualification of the fellows.
Semester programme
Here you can find the current semester program (German Language only)
as of 06/30/2023
These professorships or lecturers are involved in the MP-Kolleg:
- Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik / Institut für Schweißtechnik und trennende Fertigungsverfahren
- CUTEC-Institut GmbH
- Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
- Institut für Aufbereitung, Deponietechnik und Geomechanik
- Institut für Chemische und Elektrochemische Verfahrenstechnik
- Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und Brennstofftechnik
- Institut für Maschinelle Anlagentechnik und Betriebsfestigkeit
- Institut für Metallurgie
- Institut für Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe
- Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe und Kunststofftechnik
- Institut für Technische Mechanik
- Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und Brennstofftechnik
- Institute of Metallurgy
- Institute for Non-Metallic Materials
- Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engineering
- Institute of Engineering Mechanics
- Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Fuel Technology